Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat


Established in 2010, by A Simpson, Simpson-Infinitas LLC seeks to develop, operate, and acquire economic opportunities that allow for a branded presence existing in Perpetuity. We seek to invest in and develop uniquely Vibrant entities that reward and stimulate the consumer experience and fosters binding business relationships.

We will mandate Ethical behavior with all of our business partners and focus our energies on a Sustainable model that identifies long term Growth opportunities. We will develop solutions that Exceed our partner expectations and leverage our growing brands to define and Dictate the next level of internet capacity for business and human social interaction.


eCommerce ·  Finance · Social Media · Business Services


S-I aims to target privately held companies that are currently in their start-up or mid-developmental stage where our expertise and resources can be most beneficial in bringing the concept to market. These investments are supported by our thorough review of the target entities detailed, and viable business plans, long term market capabilities, and the organizational vision of the leadership team. We also target unique market opportunities, as well as “game changing” dynamics within current markets, that offer the potential for significant market synergies or combination of efforts for success.

By leveraging the capital of well qualified independent investors and advisors, we exploit the capacity and intellectual capabilities at our disposal to ensure a disciplined and strategic selection process. Our approach is to leverage a mutually beneficial equity stake with Board representation in the target company. Where warranted a viable exit strategy will be implemented for any portfolio entity that generates an acceptable ROI or fosters the efficient reallocation of resources.

Each portfolio company operates autonomously and independently from other portfolio companies. This independence does not preclude the collective sharing of resources to advance the economic benefits of S-I, its affiliate companies, and our investors. To foster and advance our belief in the Blending of Intellectual + Technological + Social + Economic Capacity the strategic reallocation of resources may be undertaken to fortify the long term success of the group or to reward investor commitments.